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After 10 years of full-time ministry in Trinidad and Tobago and several ministry-related visits to the U.S., Apostle Clyde J. Jones and Prophetess Lydia Jones received instruction to leave their homeland to establish ministry in the United States

With obedient hearts and a loving burden for the Body of Christ in the USA, Clyde and Lydia founded Shalam World Outreach MD, Inc., with the vision of fulfilling Ephesians 4:11-12 and Matthew 28:20, thus building upon the foundation of the apostolic and prophetic ministry.

The journey started with a "yes" made in the heart of one man to a life-changing call. 


The yes and the call continued to magnify...

SWOMD submits to the watchful eye and leadership of Jacqueline Baird, widow of the late Apostle Bertril A. Baird, Garvin C. Garraway, and the Reverend Dr. Irvin E Smith.

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